Each retreat is a deeply transformative journey, which incorporates a blend of traditional and non-traditional healing modalities all designed to return you back home to your true Self.

Most retreats are designed to have you relax, learn a few things and you come back feeling good for a time, but it never seems to stick. 3 Day healing is created and facilitated to give you the unique emotional intelligence tools to help you function at your Highest Self. In this retreat, I have created unique transformational processes that are far beyond note taking, information gathering, and theory.

Our programs are typically held over the weekend starting Friday afternoon and finishing Sunday Morning. The location of the event varies greately depending on the availability of our facilitators.

As soon as you arrive to the destination you will be assigned a room depending on your requirements. You will also be provided with a schedule of the acitivites for the weekend as well as additional documentation for a successful practice.

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are provided by us, our team will take care of all cooking and cleaning at the event. The food for the entire weekend is Vegan, meaning we wont cook any food derived from animals or animal products. If you have specific dietary restrictions we will accomodate separately.

Over the weekend you can expect a combination of the following activities

  • Primordial Sound Meditation (Mantra based from the Chopra Center)
  • Gentle Restorative & Flow Yoga asana – heart centered approach of moving your body with intention
  • Inner Child Work – Healing and connecting with your feelings as the inner child
  • Shadow Work – Understand the shadow side of your psyche
  • Pranayama breathing exercises and energy work
  • Connecting with nature and Mother Earth
  • Native American Releasing Ceremony
  • Heartmath Intelligent Energy Management Techniques

Awareness is the first step in healing. You can sign up for a 3 Day Healing Program but no amount of healing retreats will help you overcome your limitations if you yourself are not ready. It's only when we become more aware of how powerfully our beliefs, thoughts, choices in diet, and lifestyle affect us—for better and for worse—then we can make better choices. However, if we don't love ourselves we won't make those simple choices. This is why LOVE is the greatest model for optimal health.

When you make healthy choices, you feel better quickly. This allows us to connect the dots between what we do and how we feel. Feeling so much better, so quickly, re-frames the reason for changing from fear of dying to joy of living. Joy and love are powerful, sustainable motivators, but fear and deprivation are not.

People often think that advances in medicine have to be a new drug, a new laser, or a surgical intervention to be powerful—something really high-tech and expensive. They often have a hard time believing that the simple choices that we make in our lives each day—what we eat, how we respond to stress, whether or not we smoke, how much we exercise, and the quality of our relationships—make such a powerful difference in our health, our well-being.

Part of the value of science is to raise our awareness by helping us to understand the powerful effects of our beliefs, thoughts, and lifestyle choices we make each day—and how changing these may significantly, sometimes dramatically, improve our health and well-being. In many cases, these improvements may occur much more quickly than people had once believed possible.

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